L'Avant-dernier chapitre de l'Education sentimentale d'après les scénarios de la Bibliothèque Nationale

This paper deals exclusively with Mss N. a. fr. 17611 of the Bibliothèque Nationale, and concerns only the "transition" between chapters 5 and 6 of the third part of the L'Education sentimentale. The analysis shows that this passage appears for the first time in the first general outline of the novel (fo 104), since it is never mentioned in the earlier "scénarios Durry"; it is then developed in the last three general outlines contained in Mss 17611 (ffos 156, 63, 64). The main conclusion of the paper is that there is an interaction of theme, grammar, style and search for harmony and beauty in Flaubert's creative writing. The study ends with some speculative considerations about the "gueuloir." (In French) (JB)

Bruneau, Jean
Volume 1984 Spring; 12(3): 322-28.