
Agrégation de lettres modernes

Nineteenth-Century French Studies publishes articles and book reviews on a wide range of topics that include the text chosen each year for France’s concours externe de l’agrégation. To help those who are preparing for the examination, each year the journal compiles previously published articles and reviews in support of that year's agrégation title.

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2025: Alfred de Vigny, Poèmes antiques et modernes - Poèmes philosophiques, in Œuvres poétiques, Garnier Flammarion, edited by Jacques-Philippe Saint-Gérand, 1978, pp. 59–251.

journal content available via JSTOR and Project MUSE

related searches of NCFS content: Vigny at | more focused searches are available here


Past texts
2024: Charles Baudelaire, Écrits sur l'art, edited by Francis Moulinat, Le Livre de Poche / "Classiques," 1992 ("Salon de 1845," pp. 49–121; "Salon de 1846," pp. 135–242; and "Salon de 1859," pp. 349–446). journal content available via JSTOR and Project MUSE; related searches of NCFS content: Baudelaire at 

2023: Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, Les Pleurs, edited by Esther Pinon, Flammarion / GF, 2019. journal content available via JSTOR and Project MUSE; related searches of NCFS content: Desbordes-Valmore at 

2022: Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, edited by Patrick Besnier, Gallimard / Folio Classique, 1999. journal content available via JSTOR and Project MUSE; related searches of NCFS content: Cyrano at 

2021: George Sand, Mauprat, edited by Jean-Pierre Lacassagne, Gallimard / Folio Classique, 1981. journal content available via JSTOR and Project MUSE; related searches of NCFS content: Mauprat at 

2020: Tristan Corbière, Les Amours jaunes, edited by Jean-Pierre Bertrand, Flammarion / GF, 2018. journal content available via JSTOR and Project MUSE; related search of NCFS content: Corbière at 

2019: Honoré de Balzac, Le Cousin Pons, edited by Gérard Gengembre, Flammarion / GF, 2015. journal content available via JSTOR and Project MUSE; related searches of NCFS content: Le Cousin Pons at 

2018: Gustave Flaubert, L'Éducation sentimentale, edited by Pierre-Marc de Biasi, Le Livre de Poche / Les Classiques de poche, 2002. journal content available from the University of Nebraska Press and JSTOR; related searches of NCFS content: L'Éducation sentimentale at  |  Flaubert at 

2017: Victor Hugo, Les Contemplations, edited by Ludmila Charles-Wurtz, Le Livre de Poche / LGF, 2002. journal content available from the University of Nebraska Press and JSTOR; related searches of NCFS content: Les Contemplations at  |  Hugo at  

2016: Émile Zola, La Fortune des Rougon, edited by Henri Mitterand, Gallimard / Folio, 2007. related searches of NCFS content: les Rougon-Macquart at  |  Zola at 

2015: Charles Baudelaire, Le Spleen de Paris (Petits poèmes en prose), edited by Jean-Luc Steinmetz, Le Livre de Poche, 2003. related searches of NCFS content: Le Spleen de Paris at  |  Baudelaire at

2014: Stendhal, Le Rouge et le noir, edited by Anne-Marie Méninger, Folio classique, 1967. related searches of NCFS content: Le Rouge et le noir at  |  Stendhal at