Submitting reviews

Welcome to the review section of Nineteenth-Century French Studies.

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Submitting reviews

Publishers and authors interested in submitting books for review should contact the Book Review Editors at

Reviewers interested in evaluating books may choose from among those on our list of Books Available or write to the Book Review Editors to express their interest in books on specific topics.

For multi-volume projects of Œuvres complètes: it is the journal's policy to review only the first and last volumes in such series, although exceptions may be made in exceptional circumstances. Please query the Book Review Editors regarding specific publications.


Reviews for Nineteenth-Century French Studies may be written in French or in English, should follow MLA style, and contain no footnotes or endnotes. Suggested length is 1,000 words / 7,000 characters with spaces. Please submit all text in 12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins all around. Please add a blank line between paragraphs, which should begin without indentation. Please indicate hyphens with an -em dash—and with no spaces between the words and hyphens as here—and please use “curly” quotation marks and apostrophes if you can. Please italicize titles.

When you submit the review please preface it with the publication information and your institutional contact information (like this):

Harrow, Susan. Zola, The Body Modern: Pressures and Prospects of Representation. Oxford: Legenda, 2010. Pp. x + 230. ISBN: 978-1-906540-76-0

            Jessica Tanner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Reviews can be sent as e-mail attachments in *.doc or *.docx format to the NCFS reviews email address, Book reviews will be published online as part of a specific volume and referenced in the journal's print issues.