Madame de Staël `vue' par John Adams: Deux lettres inédites de John Adams à Francis Adrian Van der Kemp (1752-1829)

This short article is based on one excerpt from one letter of Adams to the judge, and on the full text of another by same to same. Both have to do with Mme de Staël and the Neckers. The point proved is that, contrary to what is believed, Adams never met Mme de Staël, although she had read his work and he knew of her reputation as a learned woman. The letters also reveal a rather close friendship between Adams and the baron de Staël, and the fact that they seem to have shared the same political views. Finally, in a broader context, the article shows some Franco-American relationships during the period 1778-1783 as seen by Adams, informally. (In French) (DPJ-C)

Johnson-Cousin, Danielle P
Volume 1981 Spring-Summer; 9(3-4): 171-74.