Stendhal dans la perspective adlérienne

Individual psychology founded by Alfred Adler is used to analyze some of Stendhal's early recollections in Henri Brulard. The hypothesis of this study is that the Adlerian perspective with its holistic view of man, the phenomenological interpretation of perceptions and the teleological approach to behavior can give new insights both on Henri Beyle, his fictional characters and on Stendhal's narrative strategies. This perspective differs from Freudian and Jungian interpretations in that it does not focus on the pathological but the recurring patterns of the private logic and the fictive goals as they relate to Stendhal's narrative stance. The linear, chronological analysis of the early recollections does indeed suggest a parallelism between a narratological model (Greimas and Larivaille), the Adlerian model of behavior and Stendhal's concept of cristallization. Writing (autobiographical or fictional) is thus not only invention but a type of action. (In French) (GM)
Merler, Grazia
Volume 1994-1995 Fall-Winter; 23(1-2): 108-26